Food stock images - fabfoodpix are leading suppliers of quality food photography. Stock image library, studio services and free image search.

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food stock images are provided by to leading design groups, publishers, advertising agencies and the food & catering industry. Over the past 17 years fabfoodpix and owner/food photographer Tim Hill have become one of the most respected worldwide suppliers of food photography with clients which include Fortnum & Mason's, Harrod's, Mark's & Spencer, Safeway's and Twinings.

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Whether for use on a book cover, menu design, food packaging, or even fleet vehicle livery, our clients expect the very best and by specialising only in food photography we ensure that our service exceeds their expectations.

If you require the highest quality food photography for your publication, advertising campaign or product packaging, you've come to the right place.

Here's how we can help ypu...

Buy food stock images directly from this web site by browsing our library of high quality stock food photography.

Have your food stock images custom shot in our fully digital custom-built food photography studio [ contact us ].

Use our in-house professional food stylists to prepare your recipe or dish to the very highest standards.

fabfoodpix employ the very best food stylists in the business who use our in-house facilities to make your recipe or dish as delicious looking and as accurate as possible. Alternatively we are always happy to work alongside your own food stylist or chef. Our relaxed and friendly hospitality means that our clients return to us time and again. Our clients' own graphic designers often enjoy being present at our shoots and can work alongside us in our studio on our equipment to ensure that the food stock images are shot exactly to your required specification. We have a state-of-the-art digital studio and colour-proofing system and can deliver the final food stock images at high resolution.

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Please use this web site to find the food stock images that you require or to gain inspiration for briefing us on a specific shoot you wish to commission. Use our lightbox facility to send your favourite food stock images either to yourself or to a friend or colleague. The food stock images you save in your lightbox will be stored for future visits. We also consider requests for larger food stock images to be sent to you for comping purposes before your final images are selected. Please contact us for any special requests that you have and we will respond usually within the same working day

Tips on using your lightbox to store your favourite food stock images

Get the most out of by using our lightbox feature. This enables you to save your favourite food stock images for future reference and also allows you to compile collections of images which can be e-mailed to friends or colleagues. This can be particularly useful when you are working as part of a team and you need to consult with others about the selection of images for a project.

Some useful tips to help you make the most of your fabfoodpix lightbox:

Your lightbox settings are saved on your local hard-drive using a cookie. This means that if you log-in to from another computer then your images will not have been saved. To make sure that you save your image collections, first compile your collection of images, then click on 'my lightbox' in the main menu and click on the link 'e-mail lightbox to someone' below the thumb-nail images. Enter the sender's information and an optional message. You can of course send any number of lightboxes to yourself or colleagues. You can then store these in your mail-folder for future reference. Please note that your e-mail software must be capable of receiving HTML e-mails and you will need to be connected to the Internet to read the e-mail.

To create a new lightbox collection, first send the existing lightbox to yourself and any other recipients you wish to have a copy, and then in your lightbox page un-tick the tick-box underneath each image. Then click on the button 'remove images without ticks from lightbox'. Your lightbox will now be cleared.

food stock images and stock photography food photo library gourmet food stock IMAGES and culinary photos by fabfoodpix food photographer Tim Hill.


Website: Simon Bowen &

All contents & food photography © 2005-2010 All rights reserved.